Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I hate that I allow someone I care about to hurt my feelings so badly. I know he is actually just crazy right now. But I literally cried off and on throughout a friend's birthday party last night because my feelings were so hurt. And thing is, because of circumstances going on I can't even tell him he is a jerk. I can't even text him. Because he was, up until New Years Eve, going to be roommate's with me and my best friend - who incidently was his boyfriend until New Years Eve. So me moving to Houston was supposed to be positive, and I am still clinging to that, but things are falling apart.

J and I have to start completely over in finding an apartment. Our budget is minus a person. And we're cramped like crazy people in an efficiency. Which wasn't a problem until now, when I get back from Paris and 2/3 of us are sad! My other roommate, H is still trying to stay positive. She is actually really good at it. And so was I until I realized I was being judged and talked about behind my back.

Did I mention I got back from Paris and my car won't turn on? That's a joy. I'm starting my job today and I checked yesterday, it's about a 15 minute walk. Not too bad, and I can use the exercise, but goodness I am not a fan of weather below, oh 75, and even then I'm cold! Too skinny and bad circulation lol*

Oh well. I'm going to go get pretty. If I have to wear an unattractive cap I have to be double hott -- DISTRACTION! Jedi Mind Trick! Go!

Yay, first day of NEW job!


  1. I have been crying for 6 days straight, without anything to eat and no sleep.

    My point is this...things could be worse! Just look at what I have to go through!

    Hope things work out for you!

  2. We all have days and times in our life where we just can't see the point, made worse by the fact that nothing ever seems to go right. I'm writing this at 3am UK time because I just can't sleep, argh! But trust me it will get better. It always does! :)

  3. Yes Dan, I read about what is going on with you in the guest post. I am so, so, so, sorry! I have been there. Divorce with kids in the mix is tragic. Luckily, we only had the one and he was 2 when we all went through it. He is amazing! My thoughts are of course with you, and I hope it all works out!!

    Anna, thank you! Yes, sometimes it's good to get the frustrations out there and get encouragment from someone. Thanks :)
